Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Does A Chicken Need A Rooster To Lay Eggs?

Call me stupid, but I just didn't know! Two weekends ago, we were invited to a 2nd Birthday party from one of my daughter's friends. It was on a huge farm in Los Altos, CA, called Hidden Villa. If you're in the area, or you live close by, you should visit once, it's a really nice place.
So we're there and we're getting a private tour to see all their animals, including their chickens and roosters. I was fascinated by it, because I've been dreaming about having my own couple of chickens in my backyard for fresh eggs. So I thought 'get all my answers straight from the experts', right? First, we got to feed the chickens, which was totally cute, I even have a video of it below!

Then, the friendly guide led us into the chicken coop, where we got to see where the hens lay their eggs and how they hatch them! This was my time to really embarass myself by asking "Do Chickens Need A Rooster In Order To Lay Eggs?" And the answer I got, and I don't believe I heard wrong, was "Yes"... I immediately saw my little chicken coop dream disappear, because of course, since we live in a residential neighborhood, I don't think it would be wise to have a rooster in my backyard! Nor would I want to have to live with the cock-a-doodle-doo day in, day out!!! I don't need fresh eggs THAT badly!!

Well, I did some 'research' of my own, and it turns out: You DON'T Need A Rooster For Your Hens To Lay Eggs!

Now, of course I don't feel so stupid anymore! And it turns out that you really can't ask stupid questions after all! HA!

So, I just asked my dear hubby if he could please build me a chicken coop of my own...well, yeah, you guessed his was no, but not a definite no, more like a "Not today or tomorrow, hon" kind of answer.

I have hope...

PS: As for the friendly guide...well, I guess I could go over there and educate her on her hens, but instead I thought I'd post this topic on my blog for all of you to read.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think you should raise ostrichs and have their fresh eggs every day and they do not cock-a-doodle-do every morning. Sandra would agree with me!

Love Mike