Today for example, we were at the library and as usual, she wants to sit on the computer and "play". Well, this is very boring for me, because I usually end up playing her games because she's too young to operate the mouse. The darned computer was free when we got there, and sure enough, like a magnet she got pulled to it. So I told her she'd get 5 minutes and then we'd go check out some books. I told her, like I always do, to try and get that little cursor to a certain spot and then clicking on it, which as of now, she could do either one OR the other. But today, she grabbed a hold of that mouse and actually hit those buttons! Needless to say, we played for more than 5 minutes. I was so amazed, that I just had to write this down in here.
Joe and I think, she's going through a big cognitive leap right now, and it's just so much fun to watch! Her speech is improving more and more, and her thoughts are really complex sometimes. I feel so unbelievably fortunate to be able to stay home and see her develop like this! It's incredible. Thanks hon, for making that possible!
Anyway, this is one of her latest shots:

1 comment:
she's pointing and clicking a mouse!?!? I'm amazed.
We leave for Maine tomorrow and get back the week of the 27th.
Can we do a family dinner night and then plot when we can do ladies' night our and men's night out sometime somehow?!
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