I vividly remember Sofia decorating our tree last year. We were potty training her at that time, and have a picture of her sitting on her potty in front of the tree, decorating it! This year she was equally involved if not more. She didn't want me to see that she was starting to decorate, even though I told her to wait, because we hadn't put up the lights yet. This is what she did to me, so that I couldn't "see" what she was up to:

She actually taped the thing onto my forehead!
I literally had to fight to be able to put a couple of ornaments (or ordaments, as she calls it). She has become quite the decorator, she loves helping me and I let her to some extent. She's also become quite skilled in her cutting and wrapping and has helped me with all our presents going to Switzerland. It's so much fun getting her involved. Like for example, my mommy group had another cookie decorating extravaganza and all of the kids were super involved in decorating this year. What a difference from last year, where it was rather chaotic! Here are some pictures of that event:

Her "blinged-out" gingerbread man!

I love our baking tradition and our dear friend Karen, even though she was three days away from giving birth, hosted it again this year and provided us with a mountain of already baked cookies that were screaming for some frosting and sugar sprinkles! She even made us dinner that night! Seriously woman, you were on such a baby high that night! How else could you pull something like that off, hugely pregnant! You rock and we love, love, love you!!
Santa Claus also came to Sofia's Preschool and she was utterly surprised by that event. I hadn't told her in advance and so when he showed up, she was so excited! She was the first to go up and tell him what she wanted from him for Christmas and I bet you, the poor guy had no idea what she was talking about, haha. She told him she wanted a "moving cat". This is what she meant by that.
It's creepy. It moves, and purrs, and miaows, and blinks at you...I, er Santa, got it for her and now I pray she won't have nightmares because of that! Anyway, she mentioned it so much that I felt I had better got her one! We'll see how she'll do with it, I guess? Haha.
Aaanyway, so Christmas is coming and there is no denying it anymore. I'm going to miss my family back home, as always especially this time a year, but we'll probably do a web chat with my mom on Christmas day, which is always nice.
And of course, the year is coming to an end and I think both Joe and I are glad this time. We've had a rough year, financially and emotionally. He got laid off from Ebay in July and I shortly after miscarried at 6.5 weeks. Luckily, he found another job very quickly. As for me, I'm still emotionally suffering a little over that lost pregnancy, especially since we've been trying for about 1.5 years now. It's not something I've been talking about with everyone, and I thought that maybe writing it down would be some sort of therapy for me. Thank you for listening.
So, as this year comes to an end, we will hug and kiss our daughter just a little bit more, because we're reminded once again that she truly IS a gift to us!
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!